Cecilia is an inspiration of Love dedicated to embracing the divinity of all creation.

Cecilia is a spiritual artist

Cecilia is Brazilian and her work and passion incorporate a process called Quantum Activation. This process facilitates the expansion of consciousness, making internal communication between the rational mind and the Divine clearer and without interference.

Cecilia also promotes art and cultural exchange between Brazil and the United States, organizing Reiki courses, Yoga retreats and art exhibitions. She also has extensive experience in the entertainment industry, including special events and television programs where she has also starred in several commercials for Brazilian television.

Quantum Activation

Quantum Activation is a process of energetic channeling through the hands that activates the rational mind to understand the language of your higher Self.

It was in 1987 that my work of self-knowledge became more intense. My search began with Silva Mind Control, followed by crystals, herbs, flower essences, radiesthesia, shamanism, reiki, circles of light, Kahuna philosophy and many others. It was a very magical time, with a new surprise always appearing at every moment. What made it easier for me to experience these experiences was the opportunity to have a holistic space at Granja Vianna at that time.

In 1995 I became a Reiki practitioner and I can say that this was when the whole process of self-knowledge accelerated, completely changing the course of everything. During this period I organized several Reiki courses and the expansion continued to occur in various areas of my life.

During this process of change I was able to get to know and live in another country. I chose to live in Los Angeles and study English, which happened in 1998. While already living in Los Angeles, I resumed practicing Reiki. It was during a session I was giving to a friend that I suddenly heard an inner voice telling me that our work would from that moment on be called Quantum Activation and that we would start using crystals during the sessions. I didn’t understand what was happening at that moment, but I trusted this inner voice and thus Quantum Activation was born in 1999.

What is Quantum Activation:

Quantum Activation is a process of energetic channeling through the hands that activates the rational mind to understand the language of your Higher Self.

Once your mind is activated, your ‘inner light’ begins to expand, clearing the useless and unproductive memories that have accumulated in your cells and that block a more present relationship with your Higher Self. When you raise the frequency of your mind to a new level of consciousness, you begin to have moments of greater clarity, so that the challenges brought about by life become easier to understand. From this, moments of peace, harmony, joy, love and abundance become more frequent.

Quantum Activation requires four sessions of one and a half hours. After the first session you will begin to feel some subtle changes. Changes related to the reorganization of values. This happens because the mind begins to receive new references directly from your Higher Self. With each session the clearing and enlightenment become deeper, encompassing all dimensions of your four bodies: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Since 2010, many changes have taken place and the activation of the four bodies now occurs in just one session. The option of a Quantum Booster, which would be the continuity of the sessions, will certainly accelerate and deepen the process.

The definition of Quantum Activation can be simplified as receiving an intense dose of pure love being received by your being. To better understand this work, schedule a Quantum Activation session and live this unique experience.

I invite you to read the testimonials of some friends with whom I have worked.

Bt LUISA RESTELLI Read in 3 min. 14/04/2020


I visited the Templo Do Ser and talked with the creator Cecília about the work developed in the place

Quantum activation: how to work the five seeds to reach abundance

In October 2019, I was at the Templo do Ser, in Ilhabela, a space of care that I have written about before. During this period, I had the joy of talking to Cecília, the creator of the Templo and the building base of everything that happens there – including the work of quantum activation.

We talk a lot about your life story and how it all came to be today. In a super interesting and full of wisdom chat, we talked about his work and the values with which the Templo is aligned.

Throughout her life history, Cecília has been experimenting with quantum activation, which was initially conducted with the hand and crystals. According to her, it was a technique built in an intuitive way and, with feedback from those who received it, she began to realize its effects and potential.


When asked about what quantum activation is, Cecília told me:

“It is an experience that you will feel. I’ve never been able to explain in words what quantum is. Activation happens in the presence here with me, as well as in the Templo Do Ser. The Templo is already a space for quantum activation”.

I can say that, in fact, being in his presence was really special and opened my mind in several ways, bringing clarity to questions that, before, were very nebulous. I left this meeting touched and feeling great peace and centering.

Activation is taking the mind to a dimension where there is no time and space. There is expansion.

The meet with Cecília and everything that was said is also, for me, difficult to explain in words. Experience and presence say much more than I could pass through this text.

Our conversation went through many personal experiences that led her to understand some movements of the individual and collective mind.

According to her, we are all interconnected in a collective mind, where each one, in his time and means, goes through the awakening of the same process .

This brought me back to Carl Jung, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist who developed the theory about the collective unconscious in which we are all connected.

This interconnected network, which systemic theory also explains, generates collective movements in all of us, influencing the whole and each one individually.


During the interview, Cecília spoke about two main movements of the mind: the useful imagination and the useless imagination. Duality.

According to her, the useful imagination is love and everything that derives from it. Which generates clarity and awareness. It comes from the presence in the here and now, connected with your most real and essential self.

The useless is the opposite, wandering in the past and future.

As she explained to me, first comes useful or useless imagination, and then we create reality. Thus, we create useful or useless reality.

When we create uselessness, we must consciously perceive it so that it can be transformed with quality and kindness, generating usefulness.

Thus, she noticed the mind moving in the following way:

  1. First comes wisdom: the communication between the mind and its inner wisdom, which Cecília called “the higher self”;
  2. Then comes the rationale: how the mind interprets information from the higher self;
  3. Then, the quality of memory: what is the quality of this information received;
  4. Then comes the weighting of the useful and useless imagination: in each of these movements comes the useless imagination being pondered so that, then, comes the useful imagination;
  5. The organization of useful imagination: how the mind is organizing it.


Cecília explained that her focus is to work on the five seeds of being, with which we reach abundance: respect + responsibility + quality + trust + courage . About this, she defined:

Respect yourself. Responsibility to respect and respect yourself. The quality of responsibility for respect. By having these three, you have confidence in the process. So, when you start to have confidence in the process, you materialize the courage to be.

According to Cecília, being aware of these movements internally and how each one is in your life brings you clarity and awareness about what needs to work on yourself, as well as at what point you are generating a certain issue in your life.

In the end, we also talked about the importance of psychology  in the path of this awareness about psycho-emotional issues and the original points that generate certain patterns and behaviors.

By bringing awareness to the emotional contents kept and poorly elaborated internally, we enable the re-signification and transformation of these contents for integral health.

